P-05-933 Ban Goldfish from being given away at funfairs. #OperationGoldfish

This petition was submitted by Holly Rosalie Homer collected 498 signatures online and 1,918 on paper, a total of 2,416 signatures.


Text of Petition             

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to ban goldfish from being given away at funfairs.


Goldfish are still being given away as prizes at funfairs all over the country, they are complex creatures that can live up to 25+ years and grow between 25-45cm. They are kept in poor conditions and given away to someone who won on an impulse and due to this they usually only last a couple of months. This in an archaic tradition that through recent education we've realised is unethical.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Vale of Glamorgan

·         South Wales Central